In the lasts weeks, I choose to stay silent, to try to see and read other people blogs with a new eye. I was trying to go in depth of any single article, reading investigating and double-checking.

There were a lot of news and things going on, not all new and not all really interesting for me, but at the end, enough to le me say that I had spent many nights up reading and studying, instead leading ahead my own projects.

But what was surprise me as well, was that at the end what is very often interesting as a NEW feature or cool coming solution, it is not so interesting in the day by day work.

More what happens is sometime, or I should say too often, the new things that are cool development, are built on the rubble left behind.

Too often we have to still deal with annoying OLD bugs, or feature requests that are "by the facto" standard in almost all decent Database platforms.

Just in the last page (as for the time of writing) of Planet MySQL, I can see mention of the Microsecond issue from Chris Calendar, the way how MySQL handle temporary tables in "A More Perfect UNION " and last but not least my annoying lack of trigger DISABLE/ENABLE function.

So at the end I found myself looking to what I start to call "Cold Case" in my mind. I also star to thought "how I can help"? Well not forgetting them, and instead write and write again about them every time I will find, hoping to be able to propose also some works around, whenever possible.

This is why I have open a series of "Cold Case".

I also invite you all to do not forget and do not leave them behind. Write about your Cold Case and let us push for having them solve once for all.


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