
The Galera series


Overview and some history

Some years ago (2011), I was presenting in one article what at that time I have call “A dream on MySQL parallel replication” (http://www.tusacentral.net/joomla/index.php/mysql-blogs/96-a-dream-on-mysql-parallel-replication).

At that time I was dreaming about having a replication mechanism working on the commit operations, and was also trying to explain how useless is to have parallel replication by schema. I have to say that I got a lot of feedback about that article, directly and indirectly, most of it telling me that I was crazy and that what I was looking for cannot be done.


The only crazy guy that was following me in my wandering was Herik Ingo, who mentions to me Codership and Galera.

After few months a customer comes to me describing a scenario that in my imagination, would have be perfect for the cloud and an extension of MySQL call Galera.


At that time I was not really aware of all the different aspect of Galera, but I give it a try.  On November 2011, I had done the first POC and start to collect valuable information about how to play with Galera.

It was my intention to write an article presenting it, but I was really too busy and the article at the end was unfinished (http://www.tusacentral.net/joomla/index.php/mysql-blogs/119-galera-on-red-hat-is-123-part-1).

Instead I submit to MySQL connect 2012 the first version of a presentation about this POC, POC that was only the first of much longer list (http://www.slideshare.net/marcotusa/scaling-with-sync-replication-2012).


From September 2012 to April 2013, we have seen Galera and the work coming from Codership, becoming more and more known in the community, this also thanks to Percona and people like Jay Jansen, or support coming from FromDual and tools from Several Nines.


In April 2013 in Santa Clara I attend the Jay’s tutorial, also to see how others were dealing with what for me had become in the last 2 years, a must use.

If you have lost it, here the link and please review the material, Jay is a great professional, and his tutorial was awesome (http://www.percona.com/live/mysql-conference-2013/sessions/percona-xtradb-cluster-galera-practice-part-1).

At the same conference I presented the updates of the POC done with some additional numbers, statistics, and different binaries, in fact I moved from MySQL/Oracle InnoDB to XtraDB.


Keeping in mind that we still talk about 5.5 because Galera is still not 5.6 productions ready, the difference was significant. A lot of inconsistent behaviour in thread handling that I had suffers with standard InnoDB, were not present in XtraDB.

As for today after more then two years from that initial article, we have many Galera installations around, some of them used in very critical systems.


This is thanks to the continuous work of the Codership people, and to the others that had believe in them, people like Herik Ingo, Oli Sennauser (FromDual), Johan Anderson (Several Nines), Jay Jansen (Percona) and myself.

Galera is becoming more and more a solid and trustable product, it still has some issue here and there, but the Codership team is quite efficient in fixing them when tracked down.


ANYHOW I have to make a note here, and I am talking to all the company who are taking advantage out of Galera. Please remember that open source doesn’t mean free, people still has to pay bills, and Codership developers cannot provide and sustain Galera if you don’t support them.

To buy Codership support, it is a very efficient way to get a quality service from the software producer, and at the same time to guarantee the future development of a product that allow you to make business.



Now let start to talk about it.

After many installation and different combination of blocks, the following is for me the solution that identify the most flexible, scalable and solid solution to implement a MySQL cluster using Galera.

Normally if a customer asks me advice the following is my answer:



"The solution sees the HAProxy instance hosted directly on the application machine, the HAProxy then connect the application to the data layer rotating on them.

Given Codership had provide a check for HAProxy to recognize the status of the node in relation to his role, HAProxy is able to skip the MySQL nodes when those are in recover or Donor mode.


Our tests had shown that this approach is the most scalable in relation to Application/data connection, and at the same time is the one that reduce the impact to minimum, given each application tile is independent.


About MySQL this solution allow the data layer to scale both reads and writes. The scalability is anyhow limited by the amount of write and related bytes, which the data layer must share between nodes.

This is it; each MySQL node has a full copy of the dataset, as such each write or delete must be applying to all nodes.


The Galera replication layer is efficiently managing this effort, but efficiency is still dependant by the Data Storage and Network layer.

It is possible to have better understanding if this solution fulfils the requirements, calculating the real amount of traffic generated, and performing a projection.

Also a proof of concept is always suggested to validate the application functions against the MySQL/Galera cluster.



  • Solution scales write and read, it also allow to have no service interruption when using a proxy solution like HAProxy which redirect the traffic In less then 5 seconds.
  • MySQL nodes can be access at all times for read and write operation.
  • Application can access database directly if needed, or can be configure as a tile with the HAProxy for better scalability.
  • Specific check is provided to identify the internal status of MySQL/Galera node.
  • The solution use InnoDB as storage engine, as such it will behave in a well known way, in responding to Read operations.
  • This solution can scale out and scale in, quite easily, given that to scale out we just need to add a even number of MySQL servers, to an odd cluster.
  • To scale in is just a matter to remove the nodes, from HAProxy and then turn the MySQL off.


  • Data is not partitioned cross MySQL nodes, it is fully replicated on all the MySQL, as such a lot of space on disk will be used, (Data x Number of nodes) + (Binary logs size x number of nodes).
  • When a node is recovering it will require a donor node, this will reduce the capacity of the Cluster of the failed node + the Donor. In case of a 3 nodes MySQL cluster, only one node will remain active, given that the recommended minimum number nodes on busy environment is five nodes.
  • The solution has being tested on physical machines, Amazon EC2, and within different Zones, but it will require dedicated network cross-zone to prevent delay.


Minimum requirements

The minimum number of MySQL nodes for a cluster is 3, but if the application is critical to reduce possible issue when recovering a node, a cluster of 5 is strongly suggested.

Note that for quorum reasons the number of server must be odd.

Network between the nodes must be reliable and with low latency.


Best usage

Applications that require having write distribution and some scalability, with medium load of writes per second, and constant grow of the dataset size.


Uptime in nines

99. 995% that correspond to 26 minutes downtime per year.


Solution Availability

MySQL with Galera is a GA solution, so no cost in implementing it.

It is good practices to have a support contract with Codership as software provider, especially to have better reaction in case of bugs or feature requests."






Once you have identify your requirements, and dimension the machines (or cloud instances) that will host the MySQL Galera implementation, be sure to have one network channel to serve the MySQL-Application traffic, and a different one to serve the Galera replication layer, and a very efficient data storage layer.

To get help and advice on that you can contact me any time.



Basic requirements











Perl DBI

Perl DBD::mysql

Perl Time::HiRes

accepting network traffic from/to ports 3306 3307 3308 3311



RH5: http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idpl/17082875/dir/redhat_el_5/com/haproxy-1.3.26-1.el5.x86_64.rpm.html

RH6: http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3?stat=26&dist=74&size=440708&name=haproxy-1.4.8-1.el6.x86_64.rpm


MySQL Galera From Percona:



MariaDB Galera implementation



Codership (Oracle) Galera implementation




The initial configuration is normally base on 5 or 7 MySQL galera node listening each other on the internal network.


The HAProxy will check MySQL using the code delivered by Codership which is recognizing the Galera state.

This check will be installed ONLY on the MySQL/Galera node usign port 3311, so no configuration is due in the HAProxy node.


The MySQL frontend will connect to application using HAProxy, each Application node will have his own HAProxy installation.

Each Application will then locally connect to HAProxy ( HAProxy will redirect the connection to final target.


The connections are distributed using RR (Round Robin) and are non persistent.


That is once the TCP/IP connection is close the same Application Node will have no guarantee to access the same server.


  • HAProxy will listening on port 3307
  • HAProxy will show status using HTTP client on port 3308
  • MySQL will be listening on port 3306
  • MySQL check for HAProxy will operate on port 3311


adjust the standard parameter to fit the hosting environment.


NOTE!! for innodb_io_capacity Run FIO or IOZONE to discover the real IOPS available and adjust the parameter to that value, just guessing is not what you want in production.



In line of principle the WSREP settings are tuned during the POC, but possible fine-tuning could be require when moving to production.

I advise you to spend some time to check and tune the following.


wsrep_max_ws_rows= 131072
wsrep_max_ws_size= 2147483648
wsrep_slave_threads= 48


Parameters to keep an eye on are the send/receive queue and the GCACHE.SIZE.

About this there is something that must be clarify and why is very important to set it large enough.


First of all you should understand that when a node become a DONOR the server will not be accessible for write operation, as such it will be removed by HAProxy from the pool until the node has finished to feed the JOINER.


Galera has two ways of synchronizing a starting or recovering node.

IST and SST.


When performing a synchronization with IST, Galera will send over to the resarting node ONLY the information present in the GCache, this can be see an INCREMENTAL update.

For instance, if you have a cluster of 5 nodes and for maintenance reasons you need to put them down on rotation, the node that will remain down will loose a set of operation during the maintenance time.

When you start back Galera read the last position the node has locally registered, and will request from the donor to start from there. If the DONOR still has that position in the GCache it will send to the restarting node the data from there.

This operation is normally much faster and has very limited impact also on the DONOR.


This is a rebuild from scratch; normally it applies when the node is started the first time, and/or when it crashes. 

The operation can be very time consuming when talking of dataset of some consistencies.  

There are several methods that can be used for SST, from mysqldump to Xtrabackup. I have choose almost always to use the Xtrabackup, which is very well integrated in the Percona Galera distribution and guarantee performance and data safety.

But obviously when you are in the need to backup several hundreds of gigabytes, the process will take some time. Or if you have a very high level of inserts and say one or two hundreds of gigabytes, again the combination of time and datasize will be fatal.

The main point is that in these cases the time Galera will take the DONOR down in order to backup and trasmit the data to the JOINER, will be too long after for the DONOR node to recover from his Gcache once finish the operation, transforming  the DONOR in an additional JOINER.


I have being observing this on cascade effect on several cluster not configured correctly, in relation to their traffic and data size.

Clusters of 7 or more nodes, just going on hold because the nodes were not able to store enough information on gcache. It is true that when Galera is left with one node, given it is in DONOR mode it stops to write allowing the cluster to heal itself. But it is also tru that this could be a very long operation and in production is quite distruptive. 


So what to do? Easy just calculate before what is the worse scenario for you, then dimension the GCache to be at least 1/3 bigger then that is not more. Try to be safe, and stay on IST, this very important if you have a very high level of writes.

What I do is that Gcache must be large enough to guarantee modification statements for the double of the time needed to take a full backup.


With five node, and a set of binary log of 20GB per day.

If a full backup with XTRABACKUP takes 6Hrs the GCACHE size should be:

GCache = ((BS x (tb/hrsDat )) x Mn) x 2

GCache = ((20 x  (4/24)) x 5 )* 2 = ~33.3GB

BS - size of the binlog

Tb - Time for the backup in hours in a day 

Mn - MySQLGalera nodes 

hrsDat Hours in a day (24)


This should be sufficient to have a decent amount of time and space to be safe.



Finally rememeber that Galera with Xtrabackup REQUIRE perl with DBI DBD::mysql in place or synchronization will fail!



Main steps

1) configure the environment

- install xinetd (if not present)

- create user

- create directory layout

- download software for MySQL/Galera

- Install HAProxy

2) Deploy the first MySQL Galera node

- create the basic mysql database

- create basic grants

- test and cleanup the other accounts

3) Deploy all other nodes

4) Deploy HAProxy

- review configuration and change in relation to the network

- start HAProxy

5) Test connection from client to HAProxy

6) Perform test to validate the installation

7) Load data set 


Step by step

configure the environment

1) Install basic tools, if cusomer agreed:

yum -y install htop/sysstat/screen/xinetd/haproxy/iotop/nc

rpm -Uvh http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora-epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm


rpm -Uvh http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora-epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm


2) If you like run inside a screen so if you need you can detach and not interfere with the installtion process


screen -h 50000 -S MySQLINSTALL




3) Check if ANY MySQL daemon is present (RPM) and running, in case remove it


ps aux|grep mysql
rpm -qa |grep -i MySQL
rpm -e --nodeps Or -ev --allmatches
rpm -qa |grep MySQL
#Remove OLD
for bin in 'ls -D /usr/local/mysql/bin/'; do rm -f /usr/bin/$bin; done
for lib in 'ls -D /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient*'; do rm -f /usr/lib64mysql/$lib; done
for bin in 'ls -D /usr/local/xtrabackup/bin/'; do rm -f /usr/bin/$bin; done



3) create user and the directory structure


userdel mysql
rm -fr /home/mysql/
groupadd mysql
useradd -m -g mysql -s /bin/bash -m -d /home/mysql mysql
passwd mysql
ln -s /usr/local/mysql -> /opt/mysql_templates/


IN case of binary use

5) Download the mysql version


wget http://www.percona.com/redir/downloads/Percona-XtraDB-Cluster/LATEST/binary/linux/x86_64/Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-5.5.30-
tar -xzf Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-5.5.30-
wget http://www.percona.com/redir/downloads/XtraBackup/LATEST/binary/Linux/x86_64/percona-xtrabackup-2.1.3-608.tar.gz
tar -xzf percona-xtrabackup-2.1.3-608.tar.gz


6) Create symbolic links to /usr/local


ln -s /opt/mysql_templates/Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-5.5.30- /usr/local/mysql
ln -s /opt/mysql_templates/percona-xtrabackup-2.1.3 /usr/local/xtrabackup


7) Create symbolic links to /usr/bin


#Install new
for bin in 'ls -D /usr/local/mysql/bin/'; do ln -s /usr/local/mysql/bin/$bin /usr/bin/$bin; done
for bin in 'ls -D /usr/local/xtrabackup/bin/'; do ln -s /usr/local/xtrabackup/bin/$bin /usr/bin/$bin; done



#Set security
for bin in 'ls -D /usr/local/mysql/bin/'; do chmod +x /usr/bin/$bin; done
for bin in 'ls -D /usr/local/xtrabackup/bin/'; do chmod +x /usr/local/xtrabackup/bin/$bin /usr/bin/$bin; done


8) Move the service script from the original directory


mv /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld or /etc/init.d/mysql/mysqld


Edit the file filling the basedir and datadir variables, this is not always needed.

9) Edit my.cnf to match the path and set initial values 

10) Reset security


chown -R mysql:mysql /opt/mysql_templates
chmod +x /usr/local/mysql


Configure HAProxy check




the file clustercheck comes directly with the Percona distribution, you just to be sure that is in the path for the execution.

1) set haproxy check

prepared file (mysqlchk):


vi /etc/xinext.d/mysqlchk

# default: on
# description: mysqlchk
service mysqlchk
# this is a config for xinetd, place it in /etc/xinetd.d/
disable = no
flags = REUSE
socket_type = stream
port = 3311
wait = no
user = nobody
server = /usr/bin/clustercheck
log_on_failure += USERID
only_from =
# recommended to put the IPs that need
# to connect exclusively (security purposes)
per_source = UNLIMITED


2) check for free port


cat /etc/services |grep 3311


add service mysqlchk /etc/services


echo "mysqlchk 3311/tcp # mysqlchk" >> /etc/services


3) add to /etc/xinetd.d/ the configuration for mysqlchk services

restart xinetd


4) Check it


telnet 3311
	Connected to localhost.localdomain (
	Escape character is '^]'.
	HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	Content-Type: text/plain
	Connection: close
	Content-Length: 40
	Percona XtraDB Cluster Node is synced.
	Connection closed by foreign host.




Perl setup

You should do this the way you are more comfortable, anyhow be carefull on not doing double installation between yum/apt-get and cpan. These two way by default install library in different places, and will give you a nightmare in cleaning the mess and library conflict.

Be sure to have DBI and DBD installed where DBD::mysql should be version perl-DBD-MySQL-4.019 or newer.


Deploy the first MySQL Galera node

1) Create initial MySQL database FOR BINARY INSTALL ONLY:


su - mysql
cd /usr/local/mysql/
./scripts/mysql_install_db --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf



Carefully check the output you should see OK twice, if not check the error log.


2) Start mysql


/etc/init.d/mysqld start --wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://



Check the error log for possible errors


tail -fn 200 




3) connect for the first time and change security


mysql -uroot
set PASSWORD for root@'localhost'=PASSWORD('secret');


Grant access for xtrabackup


CREATE USER 'sstuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mysqlsst';



Grant access to haproxy checks


CREATE USER 'clustercheckuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'clustercheckpassword!';
GRANT PROCESS ON *.* TO 'clustercheckuser'@'';
GRANT PROCESS ON *.* TO 'clustercheckuser'@'192.168.1.%';
Flush privileges;


Remove generic users:


DROP user ''@'localhost';
DROP user ''@'
Grant all on *.* to dbaadmin@'localhost' identified by 'secret'



4) collect statistics and informations:





5) Stop server

6) restart server


/etc/init.d/mysqld start --wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://


Deploy all other nodes


On each node:

1) modify the server identification in the my.cnf


wsrep_node_name=pchgny1 <------------
server-id=1 <----------------



2) start the node checking the mysql log

/etc/init.d/mysqld start


Deploy HAProxy

Connect on the appliction servers and perform the HAProxy installation. 


wget the HAProxy package related to the host OS
rpm -iUvh haproxy-1.4.22-4.el6_4.x86_64.rpm



1) Set the configuration file on each HAProxy node

redflagIn line of principle HAProxy is quite efficient to monitor and report the status of the nodes on his HTML interface when using the HTTP protocol, this is not true when using the TCP.
Given that, I was using the trick to use the HTTP protocol on a different port, just with the scope of reporting.


# Global settings
    # to have these messages end up in /var/log/haproxy.log you will
    # need to:
    # 1) configure syslog to accept network log events.  This is done
    #    by adding the '-r' option to the SYSLOGD_OPTIONS in
    #    /etc/sysconfig/syslog
    # 2) configure local2 events to go to the /var/log/haproxy.log
    #   file. A line like the following can be added to
    #   /etc/sysconfig/syslog
    #    local1.*                       /var/log/haproxy.log
   log   local1 notice
    maxconn     40096
    user        haproxy
    group       haproxy
    # turn on stats unix socket
    #stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats
# common defaults that all the 'listen' and 'backend' sections will
# use if not designated in their block
    mode                    http
    log                     global
    option                  tcplog
    option                  dontlognull
    option                  redispatch
    retries                 3
    maxconn 4096
    contimeout 160000
    clitimeout 240000
    srvtimeout 240000
# common defaults that all the 'listen' and 'backend' sections will
# use if not designated in their block
listen stats
    mode http
    stats enable
#    stats hide-version
    stats scope .
    stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
    stats uri /haproxy?stats
    stats refresh 5s
#    stats auth xxxxx:xxxxx
    option contstats
    option httpchk
#        option mysql-check user test
    server node1 check port 3311 inter 2000 rise 3 fall 3
    server node3 check port 3311 inter 2000 rise 3 fall 3
    server node4 check port 3311 inter 2000 rise 3 fall 3
    server node5 check port 3311 inter 2000 rise 3 fall 3

listen galera_cluster
	log global
	option dontlognull
    mode tcp
# balancer
    balance roundrobin
#	option abortonclose
#	option forceclose
	option clitcpka 
	option tcpka
    option httpchk
#        option mysql-check user test
    server node1 check port 3311 inter 2000 rise 3 fall 3
    server node3 check port 3311 inter 2000 rise 3 fall 3
    server node4 check port 3311 inter 2000 rise 3 fall 3
    server node5 check port 3311 inter 2000 rise 3 fall 3




2) add logging

to add logging using rsyslog

vim /etc/rsyslog.conf


Modify enabling, the following:



# Provides UDP syslog reception
$ModLoad imudp.so
$UDPServerRun 514


and add


#HAProxy log
local1.* /var/log/haproxy.log


Finally restart rsyslog

/etc/init.d/rsyslog restart



2) start HAProxy

/etc/init.d/haproxy start


3) check sever status using the web interface

Using a web browser check from:


You will see, or you SHOULD see, the HTML page reporting the status of your nodes.


Quick check for the connection

Connect to MySQL using mysql client and simple whatch to cycle the servers.


watch -n1 -d 'mysql -udbaadmin  -p  -h  -e "Show global status"| grep -E 



To see how HAProxy redirect the connections from the APPLICATION NODE:


watch -n1 -d 'mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 -u -p -e "Show global variables"| grep -i -E "server_id|wsrep_node_name"'



You will see the values changing at each request.

Try to put down one node and see what happen on the web interface of HAProxy and at the running command.

If all is fine it will be quite fun to see how easy and fast it manage the shutting down node.


POC steps

Finally this is just an example of what we do cover when doing the POC, it obviously vary from customer to customer.


POC Tests

Functional tests:

1) light data load/read on all nodes
- perform loading on all nodes

- perform data read on all nodes


2) Query/inserting while one node is failing
- perform selects an all nodes
- perform inserts on all nodes
No service interruption

No difference in the result sets between nodes.


3) Query/inserting while node is recovering
- perform selects on all data nodes
- perform inserts on all data nodes
- identify which node become the donor
minimal service degradation because Donor node will not be available
No service interruption
No difference in the results set
Recovery perform by IST if insight the boundary of the cache

Recovery perform by SST if bigger then cache


Performance/capacity tests (including difference in using ONE single node, Three to seven nodes, full capacity):

1) Execute increasing load from application node modification only (using simple light insert like real time application; more complex inserts like heavier records, batch insert, multiple linked tables)
- perform increasing inserts and delete using from 4 to 96 threads each application block (2 block for each application)
- validate the maximum load limit
- identify the lag in the Galera replication, if any, when under heavy stress
- IO
- memory usage
- Internal MySQL/Galera metrics

- threads contention


2) Execute increasing mix load read/write
- perform increasing selects/inserts and delete using from 4 to 96 threads each application block
- validate the maximum load limit
- identify the lag in the Galera replication, if any, when under heavy mix read and write stress
- IO
- memory usage
- Internal MySQL/Galera metrics

- threads contention


3) Perform node data crash and recovery while heavy load running

Same test as 1.2 and 1.3


4) Optimizations:
1) Implement partitioning on table and execute historical archiving
- Test impact optimization in accessing data
- Test impact in managing the partitions (optimizing/defragmenting/drop)



Additional article about galera

There are few forthcoming articles I am writing following the same serie:

Galera understanding what to monitor and how

Galera tests and numbers, what I have prove is it possible to achieve in numbers and graphs.


Jay (Percona)





Oli (FromDual)

















Several Nines




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