Missed OpportunityIs “that” time of the year … when autumn is just around the corner and temperature start to drop.
But is also the time for many exciting conferences in the MySQL world.
We have the Oracle Open world this week, and many interesting talks around MySQL 8.
Then in 2 weeks we will be at the Percona live Europe in Amsterdam, which is not a MySQL (only) conference anymore (https://www.cvent.com/events/percona-live-open-source-database-conference-europe-2019/agenda-6321c2468b1b43328f97212f3e53f4de.aspx).
Percona had move to a more “polyglot” approach not only in its services but also during the events.
This is obviously an interesting experiment, that allow people from different technologies to meet and discuss. At the end of the day it is a quite unique situation and opportunity, the only negative effect is that it takes space from the MySQL community, who is suffering a bit in terms of space, attendee and brainstorming focus on MySQL deep dive.
Said that there are few interesting talks I am looking to attend:
• Security and GDPR, many sessions
• MySQL 8.0 Performance: Scalability & Benchmarks
• Percona will also present the Percona cluster version 8, which is a must attend session
Plus the other technologies which I am only marginally interested to.

After Percona live in Amsterdam there will be a ProxySQL technology day in Ghent (https://proxysql.com/blog/proxysql-technology-day-ghent-oct3rd2019). Ghent is a very nice city and worth a visit, to reach it from Amsterdam is only 2hrs train. Given this event is the 3td of October I will just move there immediately after PLEU.
The ProxySQL event is a mid-day event starting at 5PM, with 30 minutes sessions focus on best practices on how to integrate the community award winning solution “ProxySQL” with the most common scenario and solutions.
I like that because I am expecting to see and discuss real cases and hands on issues with the participants.

So, a lot of things, right?
But once more, I want to raise the red flag about the lack of a MySQL community event.
We do have many events, most of them are following companies focus, and they are sparse and not well synchronized. Given that more than anything else, we miss A MySQL event. A place where we can group around and not only attract DBAs from companies who use it and sometime abuse it, but also a place for all of us to discuss and coordinate the efforts.

In the meantime, see you in Amsterdam, then Ghent, then Fosdem then …
Good MySQL to all

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