One of the first things we learn as humans is that when you use violence it means that you have loose.


Not having the human capacity of using the discussion bring us to a lower level then the animal who fights for surviving not for interest or fun.

I have always disapproved Mr. Gheddafi , but more then him I have always disapproved Italian government and most of the Europeans, who was accepting his outrageous actions for interest.


It sounds so hypocrite to see now all the chiefs raising their voice and weapon against him, not for the good of the Libyans but for the interest of their own interests.


I am not with Gheddafi, we were suppose to stop him before and with different action, and arguments. Using the violence is only showing how week we are as occidental culture. We do not have the capacity of using the right scale of values, we are deem to disappear because we have no spirit's strength.


I am looking around, and it is very sad to see that today we do not have a moral direction; we do not keep the life, the spirit and the human being in any account.

As single individuals we are still able to see that all the recent chooses and events are wrong. But we have loose the capacity as collectivity to react.

It is sad to see that also if we are interconnecting ourselves with the community as never happen before, and also if we are aware of what is going on for the good and for the bad,  We are totally isolated completely incapable of a direct action and human association against the evil around us.


War is always the wrong answer; war today is like the first ape using the bone against the other apes because not able to do anything different.

If we still use war we are less then that ape, and we have wasted millions of years.


We should wake up and stop this madness, we should remember that we are not that ape any longer.

I am inserting here two different "thoughts" about the war.

The second is the quite famous song WAR; the first is a short poem from the Italian's poet Trilussa who was also a good friend of my grandfather.

Ner mejo che un Sordato annava in guerra

er Cavallo je disse chiaramente:

Io nun ce vengo! - e lo buttò per terra


No, nun ce vengo - disse - e me ribbello

all'omo che t'ha messo l'odio in core

e te commanna de scannà un fratello

in nome der Signore!

Io - dice - so' 'na bestia troppo nobbile

p'associamme a l'infamie che fai tu;

se vôi la guerra vacce in automobbile,

n'ammazzerai de più!

I am trying to translate it hoping I am not damaging it too much:


While in the middle of a war soldier on horseback

His horse stops and said clearly to him:

I will not come! - and threw it on the ground


No, I will not come - he said - and I rebelled

To the one who put hatred in your heart

and commands you to kill a brother

in the name of the Lord!

I - he says – am a too noble animal

to join the infamy that you do;

if you want this war use a car,

you will kill them more!


Well here the song not too far :


What is it good for

Absolutely nothing


What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

War is something that i despise

For it means destruction of innocent lives

For it means tears in thousands of mothers' eyes

When their sons go out to fight to give their lives


What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it again


What is it good for

Absolutely nothing


It's nothing but a heartbreaker


Friend only to the undertaker

War is the enemy of all mankind

The thought of war blows my mind

Handed down from generation to generation

Induction destruction

Who wants to die


What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it again


What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

War has shattered many young men's dreams

Made them disabled bitter and meanlife is too precious to be fighting wars

Each day

War can't give life it can only take it away


It's nothing but a heartbreaker


Friend only to the undertaker

Peace love and understanding

There must be some place for these things today

They say we must fight to keep our freedom

But lord there's gotta be a better way

That's better than



What is it good for

Absolutely nothing

Say it again


What is it good for

Absolutely nothing


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